Released v7.0.0 * **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Removed the deprecated ``--mirror``, ``--use-mirrors``, and ``-M`` options. * **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Removed the deprecated ``zip`` and ``unzip`` commands. * **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Removed the deprecated ``--no-install`` and ``--no-download`` options. * **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** No longer implicitly support an insecure origin origin, and instead require insecure origins be explicitly trusted with the ``--trusted-host`` option. * **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Removed the deprecated link scraping that attempted to parse HTML comments for a specially formatted comment. * **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE** Requirements in requirements files containing markers must now be quoted due to parser changes from (:pull:`2697`) and (:pull:`2725`). For example, use ``"SomeProject; python_version < '2.7'"``, not simply ``SomeProject; python_version < '2.7'`` * Ignores bz2 archives if Python wasn't compiled with bz2 support. Fixes :issue:`497` * Support ``--install-option`` and ``--global-option`` per requirement in requirement files (:pull:`2537`) * Build Wheels prior to installing from sdist, caching them in the pip cache directory to speed up subsequent installs. (:pull:`2618`) * Allow fine grained control over the use of wheels and source builds. (:pull:`2699`) * ``--no-use-wheel`` and ``--use-wheel`` are deprecated in favour of new options ``--no-binary`` and ``--only-binary``. The equivalent of ``--no-use-wheel`` is ``--no-binary=:all:``. (:pull:`2699`) * The use of ``--install-option``, ``--global-option`` or ``--build-option`` disable the use of wheels, and the autobuilding of wheels. (:pull:`2711`) Fixes :issue:`2677` * Improve logging when a requirement marker doesn't match your environment (:pull:`2735`) * Removed the temporary modifications (that began in pip v1.4 when distribute and setuptools merged) that allowed distribute to be considered a conflict to setuptools. ``pip install -U setuptools`` will no longer upgrade "distribute" to "setuptools". Instead, use ``pip install -U distribute`` (:pull:`2767`). * Only display a warning to upgrade pip when the newest version is a final release and it is not a post release of the version we already have installed (:pull:`2766`). * Display a warning when attempting to access a repository that uses HTTPS when we don't have Python compiled with SSL support (:pull:`2761`). * Allowing using extras when installing from a file path without requiring the use of an editable (:pull`2785`). * Fix an infinite loop when the cache directory is stored on a file system which does not support hard links (:pull:`2796`). * Remove the implicit debug log that was written on every invocation, instead users will need to use ``--log`` if they wish to have one (:pull:`2798`).