Version 0.1.11

The major highlight of this release is the addition of a new "default" method on
the `Sink` trait, `Sink::close`. This method is used to indicate to a sink that
no new values will ever need to get pushed into it. This can be used to
implement graceful shutdown of protocols and otherwise simply indicates to a
sink that it can start freeing up resources.

Currently this method is **not** a default method to preserve backwards
compatibility, but it's intended to become a default method in the 0.2 series of
the `futures` crate. It's highly recommended to audit implementations of `Sink`
to implement the `close` method as is fit.

Other changes in this release are:

* A new select combinator, `Future::select2` was added for a heterogeneous
* A `Shared::peek` method was added to check to see if it's done.
* `Sink::map_err` was implemented
* The `log` dependency was removed
* Implementations of the `Debug` trait are now generally available.
* The `stream::IterStream` type was renamed to `stream::Iter` (with a reexport
  for the old name).
* Add a `Sink::wait` method which returns an adapter to use an arbitrary `Sink`
* A `Stream::concat` method was added to concatenate a sequence of lists.
* The `oneshot::Sender::complete` method was renamed to `send` and now returns a
  `Result` indicating successful transmission of a message or not. Note that the
  `complete` method still exists, it's just deprecated.